februar 2024

Edi Bilimoria / UNFOLDING CONSCIOUSNESS / Shepherd-Walwyn (Publishers) Ltd, London, 2022

A little over a year ago, I received from a fellow Theosophist, Edi Bilimoria, for a review of his voluminous work Unfolding Consciousness – Exploring the Living Universe and Intelligent Powers in Nature and Humans, which his publisher described as a turning point in the literature relating to the tradition of perennial philosophy. And for a reason. Namely, the extensive trilogy (with the addition of the fourth volume), which counts as many as 1213 pages, brings a comprehensive insight into the universal wisdom world tradition, and confronts it with the narrow beliefs of materialistic science, and connects it with the insights of enlightened science, based on the findings of relativity and quantum physics.



The work represents the author’s life’s work, which he prepared over a period of twenty years. It brings an immense treasure of information and sources that the author accumulated over a period of fifty years. They come from all the traditions of esoteric philosophy, occultism, and religions worldwide and from many fields of science.

The basic thesis that the author develops throughout the trilogy is that modern materialistic science is unable to explain many problems related to human life and consciousness – that this is possible only with the help of the tradition of eternal philosophy and enlightened modern science. This is simply because humans are not mechanical physical but spiritual beings, in which the complex structure of the universe is reflected.

The work is characterized by a highly systematic approach, with the help of which the author structured the entire work so that it could undoubtedly bear an additional subtitle: “Guide for the unlearned.” “The guide” because using many tools, it guides the reader along the path of learning about the unified body of comprehensive Wisdom and the universality of the secret teachings of all cultures and religions. And the “unlearned” because this “philosophia perennis – eternal Wisdom is supported by inferences and the evidence of enlightened modern science and because this realization contradicts the prevailing consensus dictates of neuroscience that thinking is generated by the brain, with consciousness merely a disturbing byproduct.

You can read more about the book in UNFOLDING CONSCIOUSNESS – REVIEW  by Anton Rozman, on the website KAJ JE TEOZOFIJA?

Edi Bilimoria / RAZKRIVANJE ZAVESTI / Shepherd-Walwyn (Publishers) Ltd, London, 2022

Pred slabim letom dni sem dobil od teozofskega kolega, Edija Bilimoria, v pregled njegovo obsežno delo Odstiranje zavesti – Raziskovanje živega vesolja in inteligentnih moči v naravi in ljudeh, ki ga je njegov založnik označil za prelomnico v literaturi, ki se nanaša na tradicijo perenialne filozofije. In to z razlogom. Kajti obsežna trilogija (z dodanim četrtim zvezkom), ki šteje kar 1213 strani, prinaša celovit vpogled v svetovno tradicijo univerzalne modrosti in jo sooči z utesnjenimi prepričanji materialistične znanosti ter poveže s spoznanji razsvetljene znanosti, ki temelji na dognanjih relativnostne in kvantne fizike.



Delo predstavlja avtorjevo življenjsko delo, ki ga je pripravljal skozi obdobje dvajsetih let, in predstavlja neizmerni zaklad informacij in virov, ki jih je avtor kopičil skozi obdobje petdesetih let. Izhajajo iz vseh tradicij ezoterične filozofije, okultizma in religij po svetu, kakor tudi iz številnih področij znanosti.

Osnovna teza, ki jo avtor razvija skozi trilogijo, je ta, da sodobna materialistična znanost ni zmožna pojasniti številnih problemov v zvezi s človekovim življenjem in zavestjo – da je to mogoče le s pomočjo tradicije večne filozofije in razsvetljene sodobne znanosti. To pa preprosto zaradi tega, ker ljudje nismo mehanska fizična, ampak duhovna bitja, v katerih odseva zapletena struktura vesolja.

Delo odlikuje izredno metodičen pristop, s pomočjo katerega je avtor strukturiral celotno delo, tako da bi zaradi tega gotovo lahko nosilo še dodaten podnaslov: »Vodnik za nepoučene«. »Vodnik« zato, ker z uporabo številnih orodij vodi bralca po poti spoznavanja enovitega telesa celovite Modrosti in univerzalnosti skrivnih učenj vseh kultur in religij. »Nepoučene« pa zaradi tega, ker obstoj te »philosophia perennis – večne Modrosti, podpirajo sklepanja in dokazi sodobne znanosti in ker je to spoznanje v nasprotju s prevladujočim soglasnim diktatom nevro-znanosti, da mišljenje generirajo možgani, pri čemer je zavest le moteč stranski produkt.

Več o knjigi lahko preberete v RAZKRIVANJE ZAVESTI –  PREGLED, Anton Rozman na spletni strani KAJ JE TEOZOFIJA.

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